ISBR Creation Science Forums:
Two Locations
Lancaster, PA and Frederick, MD
Special Announcement

A press release and movie trailer were recently presented for
"Struck - the Streaming Series," an upcoming
online production linking the lives of Noah (who was "struck" by God to build the Ark) and Dr. John Morris (who carried out
13 expeditions to search for it and was literally "struck" by lightning and almost died, except for God's grace)
Please read the press release (click here) and
Also, please click here to watch a related presentation
by ISBR VP Jay Auxt
click here to watch the exciting 5-minute trailer
ISBR is a non-profit 501(c)(3) ministry incorporated in the
Commonwealth of Pennsylvania since 1994

Tuesday, February 18, 2025, 6:30 - 8:00 PM

Meeting at the
Farm and Home Center of Lancaster
1383 Arcadia Road, Lancaster, PA 17601
For directions, please click here

Topic: The Global Flood of Genesis
Part 2 - Noah's Ark, where are you now?

Where is Noah's Ark? Non-believers in the Genesis account of the Flood
would say it was never anywhere because the Flood never happened!
However, even among believers in the Flood account there are various
opinions about the "landing-place" of the Ark and what happened to it
afterwards. There are many alleged sightings of the Ark over the years
and differing opinions involving the geology of the area. Tonight, ISBR
President Bob Cooperman will present several of these alleged sightings
and how the geology plays into the possible location.

Please join us…  and bring a friend!
ISBR is a 501(c)(3) Non-profit Organization

ISBR-Lancaster forums are monthly
September through May on the 3rd Tuesday
  and are open to the public.
Freewill offering taken

Check out these two presentations by ISBR VP Jay Auxt.The topic is "Starlight and Time," a perplexing topic for many because the Biblical account of a young universe is opposed to the mainstream scientific view of billions of years. As believers, we know that God is the author of both Scripture and science, so that there cannot be inconsistencies. Please check these out and see for yourself ...

Monday, March 10, 2025, 6:45 - 8:00 PM
Meeting at
Frederick Calvary Chapel

244 S. Jefferson St., Frederick, MD 21701
For directions please click here

Topic: TBD
Please check back soon for details

Please join us…  and bring a friend!
ISBR is a 501(c)(3) Non-profit Organization

ISBR-Frederick forums are the second Monday of the month
from April through December
and are open to the public.
Freewill offering taken

Click here to watch our
ISBR Climate Change Conference
Click here to watch the
2023 Mount Airy Bible Church
Creation Apologetics Conference