ISBR Creation Science Forums:
Two Locations
Lancaster, PA and Frederick, MD
ISBR is a non-profit 501(c)(3) ministry incorporated in the
Commonwealth of Pennsylvania since 1994

Tuesday, March 18, 2025, 6:30 - 8:00 PM

Meeting at the
Farm and Home Center of Lancaster
1383 Arcadia Road, Lancaster, PA 17601
For directions, please click here

Topic: Darwin's Difficulties
Tonight our guest speaker is Patricia Auxt-Nelson, daughter of ISBR VP Jay Auxt.
Charles Darwin, recognized as the father of modern biology, challenged many
beliefs about the origin of the species. But, even he had concerns that he knew
could unravel his entire theory and if some of the counterclaims could be proven,
it would destroy his life’s work.  In this presentation, Patricia will walk through
several of these potential threats Darwin identified, including paradoxes like
beauty for beauty’s sake in nature, irreducible complexity, symbiotic relationships,
and simultaneous appearances. Like a courtroom trial, each of these concerns
will be put under the microscope. You, the audience, will be the judge and jury.
After considering the evidence, you will have to decide: Have these concerns
been resolved, one way or the other? or is Darwin’s theory still on trial?

Please join us…  and bring a friend!
ISBR is a 501(c)(3) Non-profit Organization

ISBR-Lancaster forums are held on the
3rd Tuesday of the month from September through May
  and are open to the public.
Freewill offering taken

Monday, March 10, 2025, 6:45 - 8:00 PM
Meeting at
Frederick Calvary Chapel

244 S. Jefferson St., Frederick, MD 21701
For directions please click here

Topic: Creationism and America's Founding
in Their Own Words

Tonight we welcome our guest speaker Mr. Bernie Beall. Bernie has been in full-time evangelistic ministry since 1983, first for 23 years with Campus Crusade for Christ, then in 2006 he & his wife, Linda, launched their own local ministry,
Great Commission Families.

Few people realize the central role a firm belief in a Creator played in the hearts & minds of America’s Founders as they took leadership to create a new nation.

Come hear Bernie Beall’s presentation entitled: “IN THEIR OWN WORDS: Ten Leadership Principles Seen In the Lives of America’s Founding Fathers and Their Memorials in Washington, DC.”

Please join us…  and bring a friend!
ISBR is a 501(c)(3) Non-profit Organization

ISBR-Frederick forums are held on the
2nd Monday of the month from April through December
  and are open to the public.
Freewill offering taken